Cameron Gilbert, Jade Huang, and Tuan Nguyen (Stanford University)
Android app
enable users to have a streamlined, stress-free experience with their food and tackle consumer waste by tracking food in the fridge, freezer, and pantry
went through design iterations of needfinding, user testing, and prototyping
features: know what you can make from what you have, see what you have and keep track of expiration dates, update your food inventory simply by taking a picture (via OCR)
final project for CS147 (Design Thinking for User Experience)
A network-assisted approach to predicting passing distributions
Jade Huang and Angelica Perez (Stanford University)
an approach of using a linear regression model + stoachastic gradient descent to predict the passing distribution of a soccer team based on data from the UEFA Champions League (i.e. the number of times each player passes to each other)
features derived from player-specific statistics, team-specific history, and network measures
approach achieved a 25.27% improvement in average loss from baseline model of averaging past passing networks
final project for CS224W (Social Network Analysis)